Before you leave, check out this popular article on things only a nail biter would understand...
Personal Nail Biting Case Study
Nail Biting Alternatives
How To Stop Nail Biting In Adults
Is Biting Your Nails Bad For Your Teeth?
How Long Does It Take To Stop Biting Nails? (Hint: Persistance Is Key )
Can You Get A Nail Biting Infection?
Recent Posts
2020 has gone down as the year where coronavirus affected the entire world in many different ways and to differing degrees. For nail biters though, COVID brings an extra level of caution since...
Nail biters don't seem to spend much time worrying about what we're doing in terms of the side effects including the most serious potential ones. If we did, we'd go cold turkey and quit biting our...
Onychophagia refers to the condition that causes people to compulsively bite their nails. More specifically, it is: considered a pathological oral habit and grooming disorder characterized by...
While nail biting has been something humans have done since we realized we had nails to bite, doctors have only recently gotten around to doing any hard research on why we do it and the underlying...
If quitting nail biting was an easy task, I wouldn't have put this website together and you wouldn't have bothered checking it out. Thanks for checking it out by the way. Do visit often as I...
The $1,000,000 question. Why do I bite my nails? It's a gross, dirty habit and it makes my fingers and hands look terrible to the point where I avoid showing my fingers or hands to other people. The...