Before you leave, check out this popular article on things only a nail biter would understand...
Personal Nail Biting Case Study
Nail Biting Alternatives
How To Stop Nail Biting In Adults
Is Biting Your Nails Bad For Your Teeth?
How Long Does It Take To Stop Biting Nails? (Hint: Persistance Is Key )
Can You Get A Nail Biting Infection?
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A Sign Of Genius? Nail biters, listen up. There is a rumor circulating that those of us who engage in the act known as the biting of nails may be smarter than the average bear. There is also a...
Nail biting may cause a number of negative side effects not isolated to your nails and fingers themselves. While we nail biters are aware of the pain we often cause ourselves when we bite our nails...
While biting your nails has a number of potential side effects for your nails and fingers of course, there are potentially more serious ones for your mouth you should also worry about. Biting...
Nail biting is a common habit among both men and women that tends to start at a young age. Research shows that we generally don't bite our nails before age 3 and that often nail biting will stop when...
Nail biting is a difficult habit to break. If it wasn't we'd have all quit by now and been done with it once and for all. One of the difficulties with quitting nail biting is that it's a bad habit...
There are a number of ways that nail biters can attempt to break the habit and quit. Whether or not they work of course is another story. And how motivated each person is to quit permanently is also...