Before you leave, check out this popular article on things only a nail biter would understand...
Personal Nail Biting Case Study
Nail Biting Alternatives
How To Stop Nail Biting In Adults
Is Biting Your Nails Bad For Your Teeth?
How Long Does It Take To Stop Biting Nails? (Hint: Persistance Is Key )
Can You Get A Nail Biting Infection?
Recent Posts
Finally, some good news for nail biters. Research has shown that early life exposure to certain microbial organisms that kids are typically exposed to via nail biting and thumb sucking are...
Nail biting is a difficult habit for many of us to break the longer we do it. Unlike other habits which cost money (smoking) or that leave you with short term side effects (excessive drinking), nail...
To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,... (Macbeth (Act 5, Scene 5) by William Shakespeare) Macbeth wasn't kidding. One day goes into the next and before you know it, you've been biting your...
Nail biters are probably already aware of the obvious side effects of nail biting. Ugly looking nails and fingers. Pain when you bite too much of the nail off. Bleeding. These are the side effects we...
Nail biters have a number of options at our disposal to potentially try to quit the nail biting habit. The question of course is whether or not they work. Take a look at the photo above of the...
There are a number of anti-nail biting strategies and products that one might consider to stop the habit in its tracks. Whether or not any of them work for you specifically is up for debate. But each...