10 Things Only Nail Biters Will Understand

Why doesn't one method to quit nail biting work?

There are a number of things nail biters can appreciate that non-nail biters can’t. Here are 10 of them.

I Can Stop Anytime I Want

Actually, I can’t. I’ve been biting my nails so long, it’s pretty much a part of my life the way showering and drinking water is. I just do it. If I could quit permanently, I’d have done so already. The problem is that when I stop biting them for a few days or longer and see my nails getting long, I know it’s time to bite them again and the cycle starts over again.

Yes, I’ve Tried Quitting

As just stated, I feel that I could probably quit anytime I wanted to even though I truthfully know this is highly unlikely. The problem with quitting is that once you “quit” for a few days, you realize you suddenly have these long nails that need to be shortened. Speaking of which…

It’s An Accomplishment When You Get A Long Nail

It’s a feeling of achievement of sorts when you allow one or more nails to grow long enough that you start thinking that if this keeps up, you’re going to need to get the nail clippers out. Which would mean actually buying nail clippers because nail biters don’t need them. So you quickly bite that nail(s) down and you’ve solved your problem.

I Don’t Even Know I’m Doing It

If I kept track of every single time I bit my nails, I’d probably be shocked at the number of times I do it. I don’t even notice and it comes very naturally. As I’m typing this page and I stop typing and think about what to type next, my hands drop from the keyboard to my lap as I’m proofreading and I immediately start picking my nails!

I’m Not Biting My Nails, I’m Picking My Skin

I’ve used this excuse plenty of times when my wife catches me biting my nails. Which happens quite frequently. And the thing is that it’s true. I am actually biting excess skin off but I don’t get the benefit of the doubt because most of the time I’m really biting my nails.

It Hurts But I’m Doing It Anyways

You know when you bite a nail and tear it off and you immediately know you went too far and it’s going to hurt for a few days? You know you can’t touch that finger for at least a few days and press the ball of your finger up against the nail just to see how much it hurts and have a bit of regret…You know you’ve probably got at least a day and maybe two days of that finger being sensitive so you have to find a new finger to bite in the meantime. My go to “finger” is actually my right thumb, fyi.

It’s Only Gross When Others Do It

It’s so gross when you see someone else biting their nails in public. You think that person is such a pig for putting their dirty fingers and nails in their mouth and ripping bits of their nails off. When you do it on the other hand, it’s very different because you’re cleaner than they are and you know where your hands have been. Plus you’re more discrete than they are.

Opening Certain Items Is Hard

It’s so difficult to open a soda can or any metal container with a pull tab. I always have to use the edge of a knife or a key to raise the tab first. Or I have to ask for help. And opening the little plastic tab on my cellphone to charge it? I ended up tearing it off so I wouldn’t have to deal with it anymore.

Bitter Nail Polish Won’t Work Because I’ll Just Pick Them Instead

I have never bothered with using bitter nail polish that people can apply to their nails to dissuade them from biting them anymore. While I bite my nails I’m more of a nail picker so it won’t help me much. I’ll just switch to picking at my nails 100% of the time instead so it’s not worth the cost or effort.

No, You Can’t See My Nails

I’m not showing them to you so don’t ask.

End Nail Biting

Hello and thanks for visiting End Nail Biting! I bit and picked my fingernails from a young age and finally quit at age 50! How did I do it? Well, that's what this website is all about. I discuss what I did and what I learned along the way that might just help you quit, too. If you want to stop biting and/or picking your nails, please check out the site in detail so you can quit for good just like I did!

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